3D Gaussian Splatting scene in Looking Glass

Japanese Version

The web application for Display 3D Gaussian spreading with 3D images is here.

3D Gaussian splatting is becoming easier and easier to create, even with a phone app (Scaniverse).
Although it may not be strictly speaking a 3D model, it can be handled in the same way as a 3D model, and even an amateur can create a beautiful 3D scene.
This time, i have created a web application that can be displayed in Looking Glass by dragging and dropping a 3D Gaussian splatting file exported to a .ply/.splat/.ksplat file.

This web application uses the following libraries. Special thanks to the creators of these libraries.
three.js Ver1.60
gaussian-splats-3d.module.js v0.4.2

1. Save Looking Glass calibration values
Each individual Looking Glass has a different calibration value, which is used to create the correct image. Basically, the first time or when you replace it with a different Looking Glass, you need to import it into your web browser's local storage. Once you have done this, you can use all my WEB applications for Looking Glass. Please go to the following page to register.
Calibration values for Looking Glass

2.open the web application for 3D Gaussian splatting in Looking Glass.
At first, sample images are displayed in 2D mode.
The "L" key is used as a toggle key between LKG mode and 2D mode.
Since the operation is lighter in 2D mode, it is recommended to use the mouse to adjust the position and size you want to see in 2D mode.
After adjustment, move the browser window to Looking Glass and press "Enter" key to display full screen on Looking Glass.
(Press "Enter" again to return to the window view.)
Press the "L" key to display in 3D using the calibration value.
The default magnification of Looking Glass is 200% in the display settings of your PC. 200% is not enough to display the image properly. Please be sure to use 100%.

3. Drop the ".ply/.splat/.ksplat" file on top of the displayed image.
Likewise, it is recommended to adjust the display position roughly in 2D mode before switching to LKG mode.
You can also use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the focus position of the three-dimensional object.

You can use the mouse to rotate the model.
Mouse drag to rotate the model
Shift key + mouse drag to move up, down, left, or right
Zoom with mouse wheel

4. Conversion from .ply to .splat
Open the .ply to .splat conversion page, drag and drop the .ply, and the converted .splat file will be downloaded as soon as the scene is displayed.
When converted to .splat, the file size becomes very small (about 1/5 to 1/10 of the original size), and the file load time is also reduced.
In particular, display image quality, etc., will not change.

Web application to display 3D Gaussian spreading with 3D images
S key : Stereo mode switching (SBS -> LR/RL -> Dubois Anglyph-> Color Anglyph-> Monochrome Anglyph-> Interlace)
X key : Swap L/R
Drop the ".ply/.splat/.ksplat" file on top of the displayed image.

For cropping .ply and changing the center coordinates, "Super Splat for editing 3D Gaussian Splats" is useful.