The web application for 3D Gaussian Splatting scene in Looking Glass is here.
3D Gaussian splatting is becoming easier and easier to create, even with
a phone app (Scaniverse).
Although it may not be strictly speaking a 3D model, it can be handled in the same way as a 3D model, and even an amateur can create a beautiful 3D scene.
I have created a web application that can be used to display 3D Gaussian
splatting in SBS, anaglyph, or interlaced by dragging and dropping a 3D
Gaussian splatting file (.ply/.splat/.ksplat).
This web application uses the following libraries. Special thanks to the creators of these libraries.
three.js Ver1.60
gaussian-splats-3d.module.js v0.4.2
Open Web application to display 3D Gaussian spreading with 3D images. Sample images will be displayed.
S key : Stereo mode switching (SBS -> LR/RL -> Dubois Anglyph->
Color Anglyph-> Monochrome Anglyph-> Interlace)
X key : Swap L/R
Drop the ".ply/.splat/.ksplat" file on top of the displayed image.
You can use the mouse to rotate the model.
Mouse drag to rotate the model
Shift key + mouse drag to move up, down, left, or right
Zoom with mouse wheel