HTML5 3D WEB Cam Twin

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It is an HTML5-based 3D WEB Cam, 3D video and still image viewer.
It supports various 3D display formats (SBS,Anaglyph,Interlace,etc) from different left and right web camera images.
By combining with OBS Studio, the SBS output from the web camera can be converted to anaglyphs with this web app and output to the virtual web camera.


Download Zip file (26/Fev/2022)
Fixed an issue that prevented the display of 3DLCDs with a width of 2048 pixels or more.

Add recording function.
Press "Rec" button at the top of the screen to start recording, "Stop" button to stop recording, and "DL" to download the recording file.

Sample Page (Ver 1.6 26/Fev/2022)

How to Use

