Using twinned-cameras with SMM

The images of the twinned cameras are reproduced with the kind permission of Gert Jan Wolkers and Co van Ekeren ©
They must not be reproduced without their permission.

1. Left:Normal / Right:Normal
2. Left:upside down / Right:Normal
3. Left:left side down / Right:left side down
4. Left:left side down / Right:Right side down

This is the procedure for case '2' shown above (the other orientations are a similar procedure)

First, prepare your movies (copy to left/right folder, rename, etc...)

1. Menu/File/Open Left/Right Movies... or Push tool button.
2. Select left and right movies. then push 'Open' button.
3. Confirm the orientation.
4. Select a correct orientation.
5. SMM shows the corrected orientation.
6. You can check 'Make stereo sound from Left and Right Movies' option.
This option is available for mpeg movie only.
7. If you find inverted left and right sound, please check(or uncheck) 'Swap left and right sound' option.

For other orientations

Left side down Right side down Up side down