Slideshow Movie Creation with Background Music by StereoPhoto Maker

If you store Stereo Photo Maker and ffmpeg.exe in the same folder, you can create a slideshow movie. Most movies are made by switching images at about 30 frames per second (30 fps). Therefore, you can create a slideshow movie by copying multiple copies of the same still image for the duration of the slideshow, and then using ffmpeg.exe to convert them into a movie.

For example, if you want to display one image for 5 seconds in a 30 fps (30 frames per second) video 30x5=150 still images should be created for each image.

With this function, for example, when creating a Full HD video with an aspect ratio of 16:9, if the input image is 4:3, the areas that do not match the ratio can be filled with a background color.
This background color can be set in the menu Edit -> Preferences -> View Tags.

Now, let me explain the specifics of how to make it.

Download (32-bit version of ffmpeg.exe is also included in the package, so you can use it as is by unzipping it)
StereoPhoto Maker Ver6.31 with ffmpeg.exe 32bit version

If you want to use another version of ffmpeg, please find it here.
64bit ffmpeg.exe

32bit ffmpeg.exe;O=D

1. Select File->Movie/Image sequence->Create Slideshow Movie... from the menu.

2. When the following dialog box appears, first navigate to the folder where the original slideshow images are stored.
Do not place any unneeded files in the folder where the original slideshow images are stored.
If you are creating a typical Full HD(1920x1080) side-by-side video, pressing the "FHD Full SBS" button will automatically set the recommended values, but you can manually modify them if necessary.
To create a Full HD (1920x1080) Half SBS video, press the "FHD Half SBS" button.
The duration of each image in the slideshow is set by the image display time, in units of 0.1 second, so for example, for 5 seconds, enter 5x10=50.
If you enter, for example, 20 (2 seconds) for the image switching time, the image will gradually change over a period of 2 seconds.
If you do not know the frame rate, set it to 30.
For the frame image, press the JPG image file setting button and set the compression ratio to 90 or higher. (Lowering the compression ratio will make the file size smaller, but the image will be dirtier.) If you are concerned about image quality, choose PNG (non-degraded).
Finally, specify the folder where the frame images will be output. Specify either an empty folder with no files in it or a new folder. If the specified folder does not exist, it will be created automatically. If extra files exist, video creation may not be successful.
Click the "Convert all Files" button to begin creating frame images.
If you are concerned about the order of the slideshow, please assign sequential numbers to the top of the files, such as 001_ 002_ 003_, etc., to match the number of digits.

3. If the following message appears, press "Yes" if there is no problem.

4. When you have finished creating the original frame images for the video, click on the "Movie creation from created frame images" button as shown below.

Clicking the "Movie creation from created frame images" button will take you directly to the movie creation screen,
but you can also click the "Exit" button and then selecting File->Movie/Image sequence->Image sequence to Movie from the menu.
You can also create a movie after editing the frame images separately.

5. Display the folder where the frame images are stored. First click on the first frame image (00001.jpg).
The image you clicked on will be the first frame image of the movie, so be sure to click on it to select it.
(If you do not select it, nothing will work even if you press "Start" button.)
The other settings are default values (0) and do not need to be changed.
The frame rate should also be set to the previously set value.
The bit rate affects the picture quality, so if you are concerned about the bit rate, set it higher (around 40M?).
Enter an output file name. The file name extension should be ".mp4".
If "Preview after saving" is checked, the 3D movie playback player will start up after the saving is complete.
After completing the settings, click the "Start" button.

6. ffmpeg.exe starts and the following screen appears to create a movie from sequentially numbered still images.

7. If "Preview after saving" is checked, the 3D movie playback player shown below will start up after the saving is complete.
If the movie you created is Full SBS, press the "Full SBS" button at the top of the screen.

8. You can change the stereo display format and perform various other operations.

9. The movie created this time is Full HD SBS (3840x1080 30 seconds 7.23Mbyte).
Note that the folder containing the frame images is quite large, and will overwhelm your disk space, so if you do not need it, please delete them.

10. If you wish to add background music to the created movie, prepare a separate mp3 file for the background music.
Select File->Movie/Image sequence->Add sound file to movie file... from the menu.

11. Select an mp3 file for the background music, and enter the video file created above with no sound as the input movie file name.
Enter the name of the output movie file name as the name of the combined movie and audio file.
If the audio is longer than the video, check "Use shortest duration" to create the shorter video time.
If you want the music to fade out with the video, or if you want it to be finished properly, please use a separate sound editing software to create the mp3 file.
By the way, I use Audacity, a free sound editing software.

12. If "Preview after saving" is checked, the 3D movie playback player shown below will start up after the saving is complete.
Sound plays when unmuted with the speaker icon.